Saturday May 4th 2019
Location: Nelson Mac (188 St Mary's Rd, Winnipeg, MB
R2H 1H9)
Cost: $120 per team
Start: 9:30
# of teams max: 8
Format: Coed 4's
4 Games Guaranteed.
To Register: Send an email.
For the $$ --> Please pay Ryan Hoogervorst
WCVL coed rules will apply EXCEPT the following:
- No Tipping
in front of the 10ft line (bumping, roll shot or
knuckle allowed).
- Teams are composed of MAXIMUM 2 male players and 4
total. (ie 1M/3F, 2M/2F, 2M/1F, 4F)
- Players don't need to rotate, just serving
order has to rotate between players.
- Self-reffed, IE teams sitting will be allotted
some reffing duties (cheaper for everyone).
- No screening on serve. (just like beach volleyball)
- Play the ceiling on defense/serve receive - OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT BALL IS THE TACHIKARA
- **when setting over the net on first or
second contact the path of the ball must be perpendicular
to the line of the shoulders;
- Uniforms not encouraged